I love music. I especially love writing, creating, and recording music. But, performing music has been something I don't always love doing... I've had good performances & bad ones, great audiences & inattentive ones... but for me the most sacred aspect of performing is the room itself; the venue. It doesn't matter if it's big or small or old or new or filthy & stinky, what's important is the atmosphere. It's inexplicable. It's paramount. And, of course, when playing music, good sound is a key component for any venue. The Alley Bunker had it all (Good Sound / Small & Intimate Setting / Great Ambience & Community of Musicians / The Love and Support of The Coolest Owner Jack Ahn) & will forever be one of my favorite places to perform music. Unfortunately... all things must pass & the bunker is no longer with us. However, I'm happy to have this footage (Thank You Jae Hyun Nam for the video) of my final performance at The Alley Bunker.